Battle encriptedCallings
The swords sounded through the air as the peasnts scurried around trying to hide from or prepare for the oncomming battle.
Meanwhile in a hidden Celler the new King Alexsandar
III had hid his young queen Mary who was about to give birth. Before he'd
left for battle he told his beloved wife one important thing. "She will
be called Sheena," this had surprised the queen for a girl would have no
claim to the crown without marriage, but she knew of her love's raising
with his father's scorrer Sonar he had great skills as a pridictor of what
was to come.
The screams and cries of battle were the first
sounds Sheena had ever heard and she would keep these sounds deep in her
heart. The battle was right above the secret celler as Sheena was handed
to her mother in the small White blanket her mother had knitted as she
awaited her little child, she had spent hours making sure it was perfect
the royal crest of Sonia right in the middle. She cooned and amired her
new child the deep blues eyes reminded her of her husbands a few small
strands of blonde hair blended into her own. Then all of a sudden there
was a crash someone had discovered the hiding place. The queen clutched
the young princess to her chest carefully hidding the crest onteh blanket,
she had made sure to dress in servents clothese so not to bring attention
to herself if caught. The soldiers looked at teh few servents seeing that
tehy would be fit for subtible slaves. When they came to Mary still recovering
from labour, one of htem looked down at the child and said, "bad timeing
kid," as they led the new slaves out into the open. Mary quickly ruffled
the blanket so that the emblem was on the inside and another blanket was
put on the outside no one was to find out that this was the Kings child.
As they reached the new slave Camp the young queen walked proudly admidst
her people, all of them keeping quiet as she carried the child, brining
inner hope to her people. She sat down and started dressing an old mans
wounds, when she overheard some soilders talking. "I wonder if King Alexsander
enjoyed his royal beheading" the jolly voice piped as the group burst into
laughter. Suddenly everything her husbadn had told her made sence
as she drew up the little baby from the basket and clutched her close tears
rolling down onto the princess tender yougn face. Mary realized the preperations
she had to make, to carry out her husbands last wishes. Tarack would not
hold the thrown of Sonia forever.
The Wisdom
The Beauty
The Strength
The sword swooshed through the air swinging down at sheena as she ducked and dudged its clumsy blows finally tripping her hopeless opponent to the ground. She then stupped down and helped the young apprentice up. He had come to teh woods to study with Sonar the reknowned wizard who preformed and councelled Kings and Queens, and now stayed in Great Moutnins. After being introduced into slavery Queen Mary had one of her loyal servants smuggle teh Princess out to through the forrests and to Sonar. THe only thing Queen mary had to give her only child to remember her mother and her heritaige was the white blanket that even now Sheena at 15 kept made into a small pouch that always hung around her neck, the emblem facing out for the world to see. She touched it ever so lightly as she picked up the beaten sorcerr she was raised well with knowledge of the world, great fighting skills, and knowledge of the secret arts. She would soon have to leave the small cabin she had always known, she would think of this often when she went for her morning jog. She would run to a small pool into which a waterfall crashed down into, behind it was a smaller calmer pool into which another spring pured warm water it was peaceful, perfect. Sheena had foudn it when she was 8 and out collecting herbs she had come back the next mrounging and eveyr morning since. Ian had been trying to follow her lately, she would take a long route around the beach and lose him in the dunes. Although today soemthign was different as she noticed him still following her. He had been practicing the tracking skills and she felt the work of a spell creeping around as she hurried down to the banks of the ocean. the Great mountins bordered the Gulf of the Dragons, and as Sheena stripped and walked down into the water she shivered. It was cooler then she was used to but she smiled as she laid back and started swimming Ian comming down over the dunes.
Sheena could feel Ian's approach she heard him russtle past the dunes and watched him pick up her clothese and bashfully look out into the water as she dove below and came bakc up the sleek water running down her body stretching her hair as it wrapped around her neck and shoulders.
"Come to Join me?"
She asked laying back and floating her feet kicking herself up on the muddy floor suddenly Sheena screeched in pain as she felt the stinging pinch as the razor sharp shell poking out of the sand ripped its ridges through her skin. Ian looked out as Sheena struggled to grab her foot and regain her composer, how could she let him see her scream like that, like some simple little foolish Milkmaid. Her eyes winced as Ian ran out to see if she was ok throwing off his shirt as it landed dustily on the ground. The pain slipped away as she watched Ian undress intent on rescueing her. She smiled as he ran splashing into the water, her cheeks flushing as she ducked into the water to try and wash away the feeling. Ians hand suddenly reached her a look of horror in his eyes as he pulled her to the surface. She looked back raising her foot blood starting to trickle out of the slit of white skin again as she held it out of the salty water.
"Oh, my Hero."
She Laughed as Ian glared at her bashfully still holding her foot out of the water. Sheena's blue eyes glared at him,
"I might need my leg to walk"
Sheena said as she felt Ian immediatly lossen his grip and let her drop it into the water, which Sheena did Ferousiouly Splashing Ian as she Takled his still dry head down under the water. he retaliated with tackling her down beneath the waves as they rose higher and higher the tide starting to come in, but the fight had begun. The pair was soon lost in a furry of white foams and bubles with occasionaly kicking legs or waving arms. The Splashing ended quietly as Ian looked to the shore noticing the water carrying his pants away. Sheena watched as he began to swim off before sliding gracefully underneath the water and popping up under the brown trousers. Ian feriously glared at her as she stood holding his prize walking up across the sand.Suddenly Sheena felt her feet slip from beneath her as Ian tackled her down to the sand his hand grabbing onto the pants as they stared into eachothers eyes before a sudden Growl arose from the corner. The large white cat suddenly stood above Sheena's head Ian smiled and growled back at it, Sheena just smiled as she rolled out from under Ian.
"Oh Tamin, Jealous?"
She asked as she ran her fingers through the cats fur, he stood mid-calf to her and she could hear him purr, as she looked into his red eyes. Sheena had found him as a small kitten struggeling in a snare when she was 8 on one of her jogs. She never found Tamin's mother and had nursed and raised Tamin herself. He was never far from her side. She smiled as Tamin walked out behind the doon and came back with a young fawn.
She asked as she noted the legs of the small animal looking as if they had been dragged for a long time.
"I know Tamin, Ian was following me tommorow I will meet you for breakfast in the proper place"
Her voice rang through the suddenly quiet air, Ian came walking up to the pair already dressed. He looked as any respectable Apprenctice should. His eyes shining as he saw breakfast and then he gazed at the reddining sand beneath Sheena's foot. As Sheena stood up and slipped the small white underdress on Ian came up and stared at her.
"Sit down and let me dress that thing"
He said demandingly. Sheena knew not to Argue, as she sat down on a nearby log, Tamin looked at her and curled his head in her lap. Ian dog through his pouch eventually pulling out a small cloth cointaing a green bushel Sheena couldnt quite make out. She guessed it was some of the Basil she saw growing along the path on the way to the beach, but as she felt its sting she realized it was, one of the harsher herbs for preventing infection and decreesing bloodflow. Ian continued looking up at Sheena quietly as she wrapped her foot with the cloth. Tamin growled again, Sheena wasnt sure why she had closed her eyes and tried to relax as she felt her foot still stinning the pain dying away slightly.
"Ian leave the deer, I will cut it, why dont you go get soem dry drift wood over there and start a fire?"
She asked as she opened her eyes and stared at the events unfolding before her.
Sheena had finnished cutting the meat throwing it up into the air as
Tamin caught it and feriously grabbed the rest of the carcess. She smiled
at his smug little face as he chewed down on the flesh spashes of red chashing
with his white coat.