Numerology is The Study of Numbers through which it is believed possible to annualize ones character and discover ones inner self, as well as look into what the future holds.
First of all the Numbers easiest to Find is your Life Number Derived from your birthday
You simply add up the digits including those for month and year and reduce it to a single number although exempt from reduction to singulars are 11 and 22 cause they are master numbers,
The Rest of the Numbers to find are your Expression Number, Desire Number, Destiny Number, and Last but not least your Fadic Number.
To Find these other Numbers you must use your name, the only number your stuck with is your life number you can always change your name.
In Numerology Each Letter of the alphabet corresponds with a Number
See the corrospodages
A | 1 |
B | 2 |
C | 3 |
D | 4 |
E | 5 |
F | 8 |
G | 3 |
H | 5 |
I | 1 |
J | 1 |
K | 2 |
L | 3 |
M | 4 |
N | 5 |
O | 7 |
P | 8 |
Q | 1 |
R | 2 |
S | 3 |
T | 4 |
U | 6 |
V | 6 |
W | 6 |
X | 5 |
Y | 1 |
Z | 7 |
Names are divided into constants which when added and reduced to singular (exempt 11/22) give you your expression number your outer self, and vowels which reveal your Desire Number, or your inner self. To find your Destiny Number You add your Expression Number and Your Desire Number and reducing (11/22) to reveal your Destiny Number, and through adding Your Destiny y Number and Your Life Number reducing (11/22) you can find Your Fadic Number.
Example of finding Numbers
Jordan Mac Isaac was born on January 29, 1985
Here is a work up of this type of numerology for this person
Life Number
January 29, 1985
I find it easier to write the vowels on top and the constants on the bottom
7 1 1
1 11
Jordan Mac Isaac
24 5 4 3 3
reduce to
Desire 7+1+1+1+1+1=1+2=3
Destiny equals adding Expression and Desire your inner and outer selves
Destiny 3+7=1+0=1
Fadic = Destiny + Life
Fadic 1+8=9
All Together
= 8
= 7
= 3
= 1
= 9
Below is a Listing of What Each Number means Per Category i.e. find the Category find the number read the explanation. Remember this is only one method of doing numerology and a very simple one and it is after all all in fun at this stage, if you want to learn more look up books in the library, or more information online.
Numbers (Advice for Living as...)
- You can sometimes be intolerant and rather too dominant. Treat others
with respect and be more affectionate towards the people around you.
- Keeping things pent-up inside means you can erupt at times and become
over emotional. Remember to keep a good balance.
- You tend to be an idealist and too get carried away sometimes. Being
boastful and conceited are common faults you should try to avoid as you
may alienate your friends and relations.
- Avoid being too set in your ways. Be flexible and try to listen to new
ideas when these are presented.
Stick to what you are doing and avoid flitting form one thing to the next.
Take responsibility seriously.
- Your desire for the easy life can make you too self-indulgent. Beware
of being selfish or too possessive in a loving relationship
- Try to keep your head out of the clouds, as desire to escape the real
world could prove problematic at times when realism is necessary.
- A tendency to be too pushy or demanding must be avoided or you may start
to lose friends.
- Greater understanding and self-control will prevent you upsetting those
who are close to you.
- Beware of becoming too obsessed with your ideals; and do not get taken
in by charlatans or a bogus goal.
- Complacency is your greatest danger. Do not become self-satisfied with
yourself, and always endeavor to fulfill your potential.
Numbers (outer you, the you, you let people see)
- Outgoing and confident, you are popular and like to be the center of
attention. You are a natural leader.
- You are happy to take second place, and often provide support for others,
but can be over critical.
- A social creature who likes to be in the limelight, you always seek attention
and have plenty of energy.
- Essentially reliable and conservative, you are also loyal and dependable
to those you think you can trust.
- This number indicates a lively witty mind. Never sitting still you are
renowned for restlessness
- Outgoing and sociable, you are happy-go-lucky, popular sort of person.
You also like to keep peace whenever possible, at home and work.
- You seem aloof as you tend to present a silent face to the world. You
are often labeled by others as a person more interested in himself then
what's going on around him, tending to think rather then act.
- Determined and energetic, you often seem superior to others. but you
do make a good organizer of people and events of all kinds.
- You are dynamic and have a magnetism that draws people to you. This means
you may have many lovers or admirers.
- Full of principles, you make a powerful leader. Should anyone disagree,
they have a formidable enemy to contend with.
- With your knowledge and understanding, people find you are a great strength.
You are looked up to as masterful in many situations.
Numbers (inner you)
Lots of energy and ambition mean you go all out to achieve set goals. You
can , however be complacent in love.
- Great sensitivity lies beneath your confident exterior. You long for
security, and are kind and caring.
- You are an eternal optimist and have a great sense of humor. Underneath,
however, there is a fear of rejection in love or friendship.
- You are shy and reserved, preferring to take a back seat. A secure
and happy home is important to you.
- You like to be your own master. This can make you inconstant in a loving
- This is the number of love, and your chief concern is for harmony and
balance. You also enjoy praise from those around you.
- Peace and quiet are important to you, and you tend to be slightly removed
form reality. As a result relationships sometimes suffer.
- You like to be in control of people and situations. You also need security,
and are trustworthy and dependable in all circumstances.
- Your strong character make you independent and self assured. You are
creative and like to be kept busy all the time if possible.
- Whatever the opposition, you stick by your ideals. You like to have a
mission and fight its cause to the bitter end.
- This is the number of perfection, and you tend to know that you are special
with great potential.
- A leader at work and at home, you usually like to take charge and rule
the roost whenever you can.
- Calm efficiency and a levelhead make you the perfect diplomat. You are
tactful and considerate.
- Creative and full of self-expression, you tend to be successful at what
you do: and wherever you go will be a brighter place.
- You handle your affairs with calm efficiency. Never one to waste time,
you get on with the job.
- A versatile nature equips you to handle most situations well. You are
a good communicator and are best in jobs dealing with people.
- You are a great comforter and diplomat, and like to please others. Good
with money, you should be successful in business affairs.
- As a philosopher, you are always dreaming of a better world. You operate
best on your own in a creative job which offers you fulfillment.
- You are suited to positions of heavy responsibility. Your key words include
power and organization.
- seemingly not available
- Being creative and influential, you are able to persuade people to your
way of thinking - a talent suited to teaching and the media.
- You are capable of going far, combining a practical ability with your
ideals. You will never pass unnoticed for long.
Fadic Number (deals with Karma and is said to provide a clue to one's life lesson.)
The number One is associated with fluctuations of fortune in early life.
However, maturity brings more stability and ultimate aims are likely to
be realized. Number Ones usually achieve prominent positions and others
look to them for guidance. Their organizational skills lead to prosperity
and influence.
Best working in partnership, Number Twos need the support of others. They
excel in jobs where they have contact with the public and tend to become
too withdrawn if isolated form normal society, Their initial response to
most situations is emotional rather then logical and they can be easily
duped by those less honest than themselves.
These subjects imbue others with their enthusiasm but, if not tempered
by common sense, this trait can lead to unrealistic schemes. Yet their
natural optimism is not totally misplaced because they usually enjoy an
above average number of opportunities to make substantial gains.
Number Fours face a life full of change and uncertainty. Yet, being adventurous
by nature, they will delight in meeting each new challenge head on. Independent
spirits, their resourcefulness is useful when they are faced with difficulties.
But flexibility without control can degenerate into inconstancy.
- This number is associated with constant movement. Travel and communication
usually play a significant role in the Number 5's life, which accords well
with a restless disposition. These subjects certainly do not lack initiative,
but tend to lack staying power.
- These subjects seek harmony in all things and willingly subdue their
own inclinations in order to achieve this end. Sociable, affectionate,
easy-going and considerate, they are very likable, and win friends easily,
but can be over-accomodating.
- Challenge is the keynote of this number. Life could become a series of
unrelated incidents if the subject lacks a clearly defined goal, but a
more decisive number Seven will grasp Problems as they arise and turn them
to advantages.
- Stability is the watchword of these practical, reliable, and industrious
subjects. Number Eight's are content to make slow, steady progress and
have the patience and persistence to over come obstacles along the way.
- the number associated with enterprise and initiative. Good in times of
crisis, these subjects are not afraid to make bold moves even if this arouses
opposition in others. confident and courageous, Number Nines may sometimes
take unnecessary risk that o not always come off, so fortunes fluctuate.
This is a Master Number and symbolizes creative energy. The subject will
utilize this force through work, or use it to inspire others to obtain
their goals. This number holds the promise of worldly success.
- Another Master Number, this one relates to perfection. Idealists, usually
with humanitarian instincts, these subjects will strive for an important
cause, purpose or duty, often with no thought of reward.