Beginning A Journal
* From Exploring the Inner World by Tolbert McCarroll

Obtain a good sized notebook. Artists' sketchbooks are inexpensive and ideal in every way (course you could just littler your website with one and do it online and on a compter). There is usally an embarrassing moment as you look at your new journal. How to start? We feel the first entry should be impressive. Do not use the journal to impress yourself, and certianlly not posteriety. If nothing else works to break the mystique, rup out the first page. The journal is an existentially joke book. It is a place to play, to be free and spontaneous. the journal is you - all of you, including the parts that are not intruduced into polite society; (I do keep parts of my journal on the disk and not on the site ;) the immature you, the dreamer, the child. The journal is the place where they all come together without invitation and without rejection. And you own whatever is tehre. There is a haiku by Issa that belons in the front of eveyr journal. (although he told us to rip the first page out, he wants us to put something on it??!?)

He who appears
before you now-is the Toad
of this Thicket

Whatever comes, its my thicket.

So far we have torn out the first page and put down an eighteenth-century haiku. Now what? There are many ways of beginning a journal.

This is where he goes into his little my way stuff, This is a good book , but its alot of take what you need forget what you dont I find, and many different people will take and leave different things so if you wanna go on a book search by all means good luck and here is the information

Title: Exploring the Inner World
Author: Tolbert McCarroll
Publisher: The New American Library of Canada Limited
Publishing Date: June 1976
ISBN: cant seem to find one Sorry

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