I was in a market all kinds of busy people I was about 5ish. I remember being felt the back of my legs I was up on a platform. It was very heavy I am not sure what I just felt like there was this huge weight on me, and I remember everything seemed a little blurry. There were other girls around me a lot of them taller and there was this guy yelling, I wasn't very understanding I remember watching a hand dumping money into the yelling guys hand after they talked a bit and then I was walking along with this guy. He was old and he made me feel sick. I remember laying on a bed I remember pain and crying, and then I remember curling up in the mans arm for comfort, as he carried me away. I remember a lot of pain that life, there was a basement where I was usually, and you could walk through the basement down a hall into a dark room with a spiral symbol on the floor, I remember the spiral being scary special. I remember being cut over the spiral.
I remember being forced to grow up before my age I remember this calm sense of no fear and very little emotion just knowledge sense of just knowing too much. When I talked to people I had that sense of well an awe in me like I knew they were in awe when I talked. I remember that power over people sending them an awe and not trying to let them know all the terrors in the world that I had learned.
I remember a door in the room that was I think painted on the wall but would open for me after I would awake from unconsciousness after I suppose what you would call rituals when I was left alone. It led up stairs to where the white ladies lived they were dressed in all white and they glowed you know kind of of a white light mist around them. I remember being comforted by ladies in white, and they helped heal me a bit. I could let go. I remember the spiral spinning after stuff was spilled on the floor some sort of liquid kind of a reddish colour, and I remember terror of something dark grabbing me, screams and stuff just terror. (the things that I suppose are called rituals) A lot of people watched this and I don't remember what else but I had a feeling they gained or something from it.
I remember laying in a field in someone else's arms, feeling completely ok and at peace that I never seemed to have felt before and then a curse for it laid by someone else I think maybe. Bad stuff resulting. Sence of punishment.
I remember tons of yelling. Screaming I am screaming I was older then and although usually being quite I am screaming at some women with black hair. She comes across as a real bitch and I truly hate her. I think she has hurt me or something I am not sure.
I remember being put into a wagon and throwing a ring that I had been given back at the guy who gave it to me as he ran after the wagon, I was in a cage on the back of the wagon with wooden poles.
I remember after being taken away being bathed in a temple of some sorts, and feeling reborn. I remember the cool cleansing of the water just filling my soul fixing it as the priestess I assume that's who they were cleansed me and brought me before a women.
I remember others being there and talking to them and I remember it feeling like we were a bunch of children all 5 of us that were there, and I remember that we all looked at each other like young toddlers 2 or 3 and we were playing with papers and I guess something like crayons if that's possible we were drawing and we were sat you know on the ground it was cement floor but we didn't mind and just playing like we were sisters and we were just being. I think maybe this is a flash back to before I was around 5 in the market. I remember turning back to the temple room that was the same room as the 2 and 3 vision, and I looked at the other girls. I felt afraid but not of them or anything just knowing that I would have to deal with a lot and that anticipation fear you can get, wondering if you are ready, if your capable of dealing with what is to come.